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Our Investment Plans

The plans we offer is specifically made for you.



$500 - $4999

  • Daily Returns4%
  • Capital ReturnYes
  • Return TypePeriod
  • Total Periods4 Times
  • Cancellation No
  • Total Revenue Infinity
* No Profit Holidays
Invest Now


$5000 - $9999

  • Daily Returns6%
  • Capital ReturnYes
  • Return TypePeriod
  • Total Periods10 Times
  • Cancellation No
  • Total Revenue Infinity
* No Profit Holidays
Invest Now


$10000 - $49999

  • Daily Returns12%
  • Capital ReturnYes
  • Return TypePeriod
  • Total Periods15 Times
  • Cancellation No
  • Total Revenue Infinity
* No Profit Holidays
Invest Now


$50000 - $99999

  • Weekly Returns20%
  • Capital ReturnYes
  • Return TypePeriod
  • Total Periods1 Time
  • Cancellation No
  • Total Revenue Infinity
* No Profit Holidays
Invest Now



  • Weekly Returns45%
  • Capital ReturnYes
  • Return TypePeriod
  • Total Periods2 Times
  • Cancellation No
  • Total Revenue $90000
* No Profit Holidays
Invest Now

Investment Calculator

Plan Profit Calculation.

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How It Works

It is a very simple process to start with us and earn money randomly

Register Account

By Registering the website you will able to start your operation

Verify Email

After creating the account user need to verify the email for account purpose

Verify KYC

Users' KYC needs to verify to before making any withdrawals

Deposit Money

Users can deposit using any automatic or manual gateways

Investment a plan

Users can invest to any the plan or schema to enjoy the profit which will add on profit wallet

Transfer Money

Users can transfer the fund to another user instantly

Refer to Friends

For referring to any friends user can generate the bonus

Latest Investors and Withdraws

You can explore the live investments and withdraws

Recent Investors

Bruce Mc
Jun 29, 2024 23:52
+0 BTC
600 BTC

Recent Withdraws

Withdraw With BTC-Bitcoin
Sep 04 2024 02:30
201560 BTC
Withdraw With BTC-Bitcoin
Aug 17 2024 05:58
7407914.524 BTC
Withdraw With BTC-Bitcoin
Aug 17 2024 04:16
-7407330 BTC
7407330 BTC
Withdraw With USDT-$
Aug 16 2024 04:02
-100.55 BTC
100.55 BTC
Withdraw With BTC-Bitcoin
Aug 16 2024 03:57
-100.78 BTC
100.78 BTC

Why Choose Us

Explore Why You Will Choose Us.

Trading analysis

Our team of trading expert bring the best signals for trading analysis

High performance

Thanks to our engineers our machines built for mining are always bringing fort better result each passing day

Investment management

We serve high-net-worth individuals, and foundations, providing investment management services and offer investment products to achieve investment goals and financial well-being

Transaction and investment banking

At Peglite, we have been continuously transforming the traditional money management industry, in order to open the financial markets to everyone, everywhere.


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Total Withdraw

Faq Questions

Explore Your Questions.

What's Flairbit about?
Flairbit conducts effective trading and investment transactions on Forex and Cryptocurrency.
How can i make my first investment?
First of all, you need to register a new account, click the Make a Deposit" button in the "Financial Operations" section, enter the amount, select the payment system and click "Confirm" button.
How can i withdraw funds?
Log in to your account using your username and password, click the "Withdraw Funds" button in the "Financial Operations" section, select the payment system, enter your amount and click the "Confirm" and "Withdraw" buttons
If i need support, how do i reach you?
You can always contact us Via our live chat, or send us an e-mail.
Who can invest?
Any interested person can become an investor of Flairbit, even with low or no basic experience on the crypto, forex markets. Our experts will guide you.

We're a more than 1000+ members family, you can join with us with high confident

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31 July 2023

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of cla...

31 July 2023

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of cla...

31 July 2023

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of cla...

Payment Gateways

Payment Gateway We Accept